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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 40 - Issue 45 - November 11, 2021

State of Kansas

Governor’s Grant Program

Notice of Available Grant Funding

Grant funds are available from the Federal John R. Justice Student Loan Repayment Program for calendar year 2022. The purpose of this grant program is to provide student loan repayment assistance for full-time local, state, and federal government public defenders and full-time local and state government prosecutors who commit to serving as public defenders and prosecutors for at least three years. Kansas has $32,766 available for awards and will be available to prosecutors (maximum of $16,383) and public defenders (maximum of $16,383). Federal John R. Justice Grant funds awarded under this program are a supplement to, not a substitute for, personal student loan obligations. To be eligible to receive funding, an attorney must not be in default on repayment of any federal student loans. For a copy of the grant application, please contact Kim Gerety at 785-291-3205 or All grant applications must be postmarked to the Kansas Governor’s Grants Program by December 17, 2021.

Juliene Maska

Doc. No. 049559